Tag Archives: rituals

Yes, I sing into my brush.

4 May

Everyone who has hair on their pretty little heads (even those with only a few left) has a certain ritual that they go through with their hair. Granted, some have more lengthy rituals than others (I am certainly guilty of that), but regardless of how long it takes, that ritual still exists. Even my boyfriend who doesn’t care about his hair has one – you can’t escape it.

Some are lucky enough to have just wash- or wake-up- and go hair, while others spend hours drying, straightening or curling theirs. Some just don’t care and some care too much. But try telling someone that their ritual is wrong and there may be trouble. Even stylists can tell a client not to wash their hair and flatiron it everyday (guilty…again) until they are blue in the face, but a person’s relationship with their hair can be so personal that they can’t let go of the ritual – “How can I try something different when they don’t know my hair like I do?” You know the old joke, “I’m very attached to my hair…” Ha ha.

However, as an offender myself, I can tell you this: as much as we know our hair the best, our stylists DO have valuable tips that can make our lives easier. For example, a tip from one of our fearless leaders, Cosimo: Always style the difficult side of your hair first and work from the bottom up. Why you ask? If you do the easy side first, you may be too rushed or tired by the time you get to the difficult side and frankly, it ends up looking like crap. Also, combing your hair from the ends up is not only less painful, but causes less breakage than struggling through knots from the top down.

But hair rituals aren’t only about routine and the best way to care for your hair – it’s also about those times when you’re getting ready to go out and you have fun with your hair.

Personally, when I’m getting ready for a night on the town, I like to turn the music way up (to the chagrin of my neighbours, I presume) while I flatiron or curl my hair. I might sing along a bit. And dance too. Maybe.

So this is what I want to know: what are your special hair routines or rituals? How do you have fun while doing your hair?