Archive | November, 2011

The gift of hair…

18 Nov

It seems the moment after we’ve packed away our Halloween costumes and decorations the holiday season is upon us. Christmas lights and ornaments adorn storefronts starting the first week of November and slowly Christmas carols are floating through the air, trying to add merriment to the general public. Besides an excuse to deck the halls and stuff ourselves, to many, the holiday season is about giving, whether to friends, family or those in need.

Toy, clothing and food drives are in full force at this time of year, supplying a little bit of cheer to as many less fortunate families as possible. These initiatives are vital, there’s no doubt about it. But this holiday season, there’s another gift that you may be able to give to a child in need. The gift of hair.

Locks of Love is a public, not-for-profit organization that provides custom-made hair pieces to financially disadvantaged children in the U.S. and Canada. The age bracket for recipients goes from six to 21 and it’s for those suffering from long-term medical hair loss, from any diagnosis, be it cancer, alopecia or a traumatic accident. (learn more about the organization here)

LOL uses donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics to give to children in need free of charge, or on a sliding scale, based on financial need. Their custom-made prosthetics are the ideal option for children because they do not require the use of tape or glue because they form a vacuum seal. Only the wearer is able to remove the wig and they can swim and shower with it in place, avoiding any shame or embarrassment that might come with it accidentally being removed. And so the child truly feels like he or she is getting her own hair, she’s able to choose the colour and length of the hair, the skin tone of the silicone base and the cut or style she wants. This process takes between four and six months and recipients may reapply for a new prosthesis every 18 months.

These prostheses are made possible through financial and actual hair donations. Each prosthesis requires between six and ten ponytails at least ten inches long, and it’s estimated that 80 per cent of all donations come from children who want to help other children.

If you want to donate your hair, there are certain guidelines that must be followed, but most salons are familiar with the organization and can help you make sure they are met. For a full list of guidelines, click here.

So this holiday season, or the next one, if you find yourself wanting to make a difference to a child in need, think about Locks of Love… all it takes is a little time, patience and care.

Found at Bay Station: the perfect pixie

4 Nov

The other day as I was rushing to the salon through Bay station a woman caught my eye. No, it wasn’t someone looking all crazy or super glamorous or quirky. It was simply a woman with one of the most perfect pixie cuts I’ve ever seen.

It was a short, Emma Watson-esque pixie, smooth, but with a hint of texture and the shortest of bangs. It suited her face perfectly and was accented with a simple and neutral headband. But what really made this pixie stunning was the colour; it was somewhere in between a copper and strawberry blonde and it was amazing. There is a shortage of perfect pixies out there in general, and gorgeous, red pixies are even more elusive. It was definitely special. Had it not been rush hour I would have stopped to compliment her and ask who did her hair. I kind of regret not doing so!

Since then, I have not been able to get pixies off of my mind. People are afraid of going uber short because they’re worried about looking too masculine and that men won’t like it. But let me tell you: if you have the right facial structure, a pixie can enhance femininity – even with some edge – and it will draw attention to your favourite features.

And not all pixies have to be cropped right to the head. There are so many options for you to play with texture, bangs and layers to get the look that’s perfect for your face and style. And you may be more excited to play with colour because it won’t be as overpowering (think Rihanna’s muppet red afro).

However, as much as I love a perfect pixie, they sadly don’t work for everyone. Those who are blessed with bone structure to die for and who have delicate features suit the pixie the best. And you have to be comfortable showing off those features as well. If you hide behind long hair and never pull it off of your face, chances are a pixie might be too big of a shock.

Here are some of our favourite pixies to inspire you. Please take note: not one of these beautiful ladies looks like a boy.

The men of Haartek grow some mo’s…

2 Nov

This year, the men of Haartek Salon are proud to be Mo Bros, growing upper lip warmers to raise funds and awareness for men’s health and prostate cancer research. 

The month of November is now unofficially called Movember, and starting November 1st, guys register themselves at with a clean-shaven face in order to get sponsored for growing a moustache (or a mo).  Over 1.1 million men take part in Movember worldwide and funds raised are directed to programs run directly by Movember and their men’s health partner, Prostate Cancer Canada.

Besides being an excuse to grow a sweet ‘stache, Movember’s goal is to change the stubborn habits and attitudes surrounding men’s health. Too often men ignore or dismiss medical problems but Movember aims to educate men about the risks they face and get them to act on that knowledge and increase their chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.  As it says on their website:
“Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through their actions and words, they raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health.”

So in honour of Movember, here are some of Haartek’s favourite mustachioed faces, sure to inspire our men’s mo’s.

In 2010, Movember raised 22.3 million dollars in Canada and hopes that 2011 will top it. This is the first year that Haartek will be raising funds as a team and we’re pretty darn excited to see who will grow the best mo (and raise the most money for it!)

For more information or to register your own mustache, click here. You can even join Haartek’s team (official team name is Haartek Salon).

To view profiles and donate money to our mustachioed gentlemen visit their pages: Remo, Cosimo & Mike.

Happy Movember!