Tag Archives: history

Oh, beehive!

3 Aug

In honour of Amy Winehouse, this post is dedicated to that fantastically big, teased and lacquered hair that none but her could pull off quite the same in modern times (though, some would argue she didn’t quite pull it off). Yes, we’re talking about that crazy mass of hair atop her head – the beehive.

Most popular in the 1960s, the beehive was created by Margaret Vinci Heldt in Chicago. An award winning stylist and salon owner, Heldt was asked in 1960 by Modern Beauty Salon magazine to design a new hairstyle that would reflect the coming decade. It originated as a variation of the pageboy and bouffant styles that were elaborately teased and hairsprayed and was also given the name B-52, as it resembled the bulbous nose of the B-52 Stratofortress bomber. The style has been modeled by Dusty Springfield, The Ronettes and Joanna Lumley (in Absolutely Fabulous) amongst others, and has made its way back into fashion in Chanel shows and on modern celebrities.

Here’s a mix of retro and modern beehives that we can’t get enough of. Are you bold enough to fashion this ‘do for a special occasion, or even everyday?

To wash or not to wash? That is the question…

24 Jun

The question, “Should you wash your hair everyday?” will be debated until the end of time. Or until the human race evolves into a bunch of baldies. Either way.

The thing is, there is no definitive answer to the question, no matter how many people emphasize either “yes” or “no”. Just like there are different body types, there are different hair types. Some people are blessed with thick hair that just doesn’t seem to look oily, even after a week – an obscene amount of time to those of us with baby fine manes who cringe in the mirror the day after washing, looking at flat, listless hair.

I'll bet Giselle doesn't have to wash her hair everyday. Curses!

“There’s no rule,” says Tasso, a Director at Haartek. “It depends on the person’s hair and scalp. Some hair you have to wash everyday. It’s whatever your hair needs.”

And these days, if you’re being good to your hair and using salon products that have no sulphates and leave little residue, washing often is not going to damage or strip the hair.

However, if you’re on the fence about whether you can go a few days without washing or if you need a quick way to freshen up your hair, dry shampoo just might be an option for you!

Most of the ladies working at Haartek think dry shampoo is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Originally invented for hospital patients who couldn’t wash their hair, dry shampoos are usually matte sprays that soak up excess oil, add texture and bulk, add volume at the roots and leave the hair smelling and looking refreshed. How could anyone be against that?

So for those lucky ones that don’t need to wash their hair everyday, dry shampoo is a quick way to give their hair that extra oomph in the morning. And for the unlucky everyday washers like me, the good thing is there is a way to refresh our hair quickly right before a night on the town or after working out. “It’s really great for a girl on the run,” Tonya, a receptionist at Haartek, says. “Just spray it on your roots and shake it up and you’re good to go!”

Our favourite dry shampoos at Haartek? KMS Makeoever Spray and Kevin Murphy Fresh Hair really do the trick! And they both smell great.

KMS Makeover Spray

Kevin Murphy Fresh Hair

I was once an unbeliever when it comes to dry shampoo. I thought all of them were gross and powdery that left a residue that looked anything but fresh. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised and have changed my tune. It really does the trick when it comes to adding body and texture after the gym or a long day at work. While it will never replace washing my hair daily normally, I will sure bring a can to my cottage on the long weekend. Maybe I’ll even share it. Maybe.

From prostitutes to Norse gods, will the real blondies please stand up?

18 May

Do blondes really have more fun?

I’m sure we’ve all heard the stereotypes about blondes over the years: blondes are dumb, overly sexy, promiscuous, innocent and more fun-loving. And it’s not a secret that blonde is one of the most popular colours to switch to, be it your whole head or just highlights.

But where do these stereotypes come from? As a natural blonde, I want to know!

Even just a quick search of Wikipedia gives us a little history of how blondes have been perceived in the past. Early on in the Roman Empire, blonde hair was associated with prostitutes (guess we know where that rumour started), but later became more socially desirable to the point that famous historical Romans have been described as blondes in literary records.  Many Roman gods, including Apollo, Bacchus, Diana, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Minerva and Venus were supposedly blonde as well. (Wait.. isn’t Minerva the goddess of wisdom? Why didn’t that catch on?)

By the Middle Ages, the promiscuous stereotype was back and blondes were associated with seductresses. For example, until the late 14th century, Eve was portrayed as a blonde and the Virgin Mary a brunette.

However, in Northern European folklore and fairy tales, including Norse Mythology, blondes were only attributed to good personalities. Important gods are considered to be blonde, heroes and heroines were often blonde and flaxen-haired humans portrayed in literature were seen as valuable and desirable.

And going along with the mythical – not to mention good – theme, fairies and elves are often portrayed as blonde.

These days google image the word blonde and the stereotypes range from the sweet, girl-next- door (Reese Witherspoon) to big boobed porn star!  And then there’s Paris Hilton.

So historically, the characteristics and opinions of blondes have gone from one extreme to the other and back again. As with everything in society, it seems as though the perception of blondes corresponds with how the most famous/notorious/written-about/visible/hated/loved/etc. blondes are perceived. I don’t think there will ever be definitive proof of characteristics attributed to certain hair colours, but I don’t ever think the blonde stereotypes will die out either.

What do I think about this as a blonde? Please don’t call me dumb – it’s not true. But if you want to think that I have more fun, go right ahead… maybe I do!